Analysing Google Analytics

webinar description

Google Analytics is by far the best method to ascertain details on the performance of your website, yet there are still so many businesses not using analytics – despite the fact it’s free!

We give you a detailed explanation of Google Analytics, and go over the key areas to give you a complete understanding of how and why to view and use this data. Once you know how to work with analytics, it provides a valuable marketing and measurement tool to gauge your online business performance, and understand the behaviour of your website visitors.

Analysing Google Analytics

Google Analytics Webinar
  • December 10, 2024
webinar outline
  • 10:00 AM — 10:05 AM
    Welcoming participants to the webinar session
  • 10:05 AM — 10:45 AM
    Covering the 5 key elements to Google Analytics
  • 10:45 AM — 11:00 AM
    Question and Answer time with participants.
webinar speaker

Simon Oldham
Digital Marketing Specialist

Simon will walk you through the key aspects of Google Analytics, allowing you to much better understand how to read and use the data.

2024-12-102024-12-10Australia/Brisbane Analysing Google Analytics Not indicated
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